Friday, May 3, 2013

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Look who came to visit this morning.  A male Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

While I was sitting at the computer, I caught the sight of black and white. Naturally I ran for my camera.

I have a Panasonic DMC-Z519 that I am taking the pictures with. Unfortunately, I am also having to take them through my sliding glass door.

They are not professional, but I am able to get them.

He is a plumb, black and white bird with a large rose triangular patch on the center of his chest. Wing linings are rosy red.  He has a large ivory bill.  

The female is streaked brown and white with large white eyebrow line. Her wing linings are orange yellow.  I did not see a female.

The female and male build the nest, and can have one to 2 broods a  year.  She lays 3 to 5 eggs

They will migrate all the way to Mexico , Central and South  America.
See the American Gold Finch in the picture too?

Gold Finch here too. My bird book says that both males and females , the male singing louder . It  is a Robin like song.

"Grosbeak" refers to its large bill used to crush seeds.  They are late to arrive in spring and early to leave in autumn.

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