Tuesday, May 7, 2013

White-breasted Nuthatch

Today we had a picnic lunch alongside the Fox River in Oswego.  While sitting there we kept see a little bird fly to this tree.  I was able to finally get a couple of pictures of it and when we go home found out it is the White-breasted Nuthatch.

Going into it's nest.

They are about 5 or 6 inches long.  Slate gray bird with white belly and black cap and neck.  Long think bill slightly upturned. They are chestnut colored under their tail.  The female is similar to male, but has a gray cap and neck. They nest in a cavity. Both male and female build the nest, and they only have one brood a year.

They have incredible climbing agility. They have an extra long hind toe claw or nail.  It is nearly twice the size of front toe claws.  You can see it on the above picture.

The habit of hopping headfirst down tree trunks helps them see insects and eggs that birds climbing up the trunk can miss. They like insects seeds and will come to seed and suet feeders.

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