Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mute Swans

This is some of the collection of pictures I have of Mute Swans.  Where my Father lived, they brought in pairs of swans for the residents to watch.

They were so interesting to watch.  Almost every year that he lived there, the swans mated and the residents got the opportunity to watch them hatch and grow before they were taken away in the early fall.

I love taking pictures of them.  As the parents were preparing the nests, then as they took care of the babies.

They are truly big and powerful birds.  

They are beautiful.  All of the birds that were placed here, had their wings clipped. They could not fly away.

This pair had two babies.  We had learned that the gray babies were called royal .  It is not a way to tell a male from a female.

It was so interesting to watch the parents teach the babies all the things they would need to know to survive.

Mom taught them to climb up on the wood ramp and get back into the nest to rest.

They would still be sheltered under her wings, and seem to be hidden.

They did have to learn to dive for their food.

When they are young they seem to play follow the leader.

Mom and Dad watch over their babies.

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