Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mourning Doves

It is amazing how fast these birds grow, from the time the mom lays the eggs until they fly away.  Our dove has two babies, there is a pine needle sticking up by the babies eye.  I could not get a picture without it there.
It is here too, but you get to see Mom in the back.  They look so small.

They are sitting just inside the spruce tree.  They actually are eye level for me to see them.

This picture was taken on the 29th of May.  Look how big he has gotten.

They are both still on the nest with Mom.

Here we are. It is almost time for our first flight!

This picture shows more of the setting they are actually in.  It is a spruce tree on the back of our property. I can walk up to them, and actually see them eye level.
Here they are yesterday. the 29th.
All gone!! They flew their nest today.  The nest is actually flat, sitting on the tree branch.

I am pretty pleased with how the pictures turned out of the doves. It has been a beautiful experience being able to follow them.

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