Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Green Heron

When in the Quad Cities a few months ago, we were in Port Byran, Illinois we stopped in a small park by a dam on the Mississippi River.  I was actually looking at the American White Pelican's and saw movement in an area by the shore. I had come upon this Green Heron.
He was nice enough to stand still for me while I took a couple of pictures.

They are a short stocky heron with a blue green back , rusty red neck and chest..  He has short legs that are normally yellow, but turn orange during the breeding season. They female looks the same. They build a platform nest, Both Male and female build.  They can have up to 2 broods a hear.
Information says it sometimes looks like it doesn't have a neck, because it holds it close to the body. It has a crest that it raises when excited.
They hunt for fish and aquatic insects by waiting along a shore or wades stealthily.  Has been known to place an insect on the water surface to attract fish to catch.

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