Sunday, December 22, 2013

11-08-2013 by the Mana Kai

This vine is found all over the island.  The real flower is small and tubular, and are inserted amongst the showy, colorful bracts. They come in a wide range of colors from orange, to red, to purple, and white.
This plant is native to Brazil and are either large woody vines or trees.

One of the many chickens on the island,

You have to look hard, as the Japanese White-eye bird blends in with the surrounding  leaves.

It is an abundant and widespread bird, in both dry and wet habitats, in native forest and suburban areas, from sea level to tree line.  It was introduced from Japan about 1929.
The males and females look similar.  The adult is olive-green above with a conspicuous white eye-ring. The throat is yellow.

This picture shows the Japanese white-eye better.


Ferrell cat

I looked, but never saw any of the birds,



Another form of ginger.


Native White Hibiscus
The white hibiscus has been used as parents for the numerous hybrids.  It can grow to 30 feet high.and can grow at altitudes of 1000 to 3000 feet.

Cattle Egret
They are found all over the island.  It was introduced from Florida in 4959 to control insect pests.
It is a small white heron with yellowish legs and bill.
They frequent fields, roadsides, pastures, garbage dumps, watercress ponds, and taro patches.

African Tulip Tree
Year-round clusters of brilliant "tulips: characterize this handsome ornamental tree.  It is easily recognized even from a distance. It was introduced from Africa. It can be considered serious pests in some lowland forests. The tree that this group of flowers was on did not have a lot of leaves and not many flowers.


Another variety of hibiscus.

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