Monday, April 1, 2013

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

These  are tiny iridescent green birds with black throat patch that reflects bright ruby red in sunlight.  The female lacks the throat patch. 

Their wings create a humming noise, flapping 50-60 times per second or faster during chasing flights.  They are able to hover, fly up and down, and is the only bird to fly backwards.

They construct their nest with plant material and spider webs, gluing pieces of lichen on outside of nest for decoration.  They are attracted to tubular red flowers.  It takes about 5 average-sized humming birds to equal the weight of a single chickadee.  Their heart beats at 1,260 times a minute and breathes 250 times a minute.

They can have one to two broods a year.  They like nectar and insects.

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